The Art Galvanizing Works, Inc.

Cleveland, Ohio

Design & Fabrication


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Design of Products for Galvanizing

      Corrosion prevention must begin on the drawing board. This is true regardless of the system selected. Certain practices should be followed in designing structures for effective and safe galvanizing. These practices are easily applied and in most cases are routine methods used to ensure max­imum corrosion protection. Detailed methods can be discussed with members of Art Galvanizing's staff.

      Most ferrous materials are suitable for galvanizing. These include cast iron, malleable iron, cast steels, hot and cold rolled steels. 

      The most satisfactory way to ensure the safe, effective, and economical galvaniz­ing of articles is for the designer, fabricator, and galvanizer to work together before the product is manufactured.


      Iron and steel articles to be galvanized after fabrication range from small pieces of hardware to large welded steel assemblies or castings weighing several tons. Galvanizing kettles up to 40 feet long are available in most areas. It is common to find ket­tles approaching 60 feet. Through double-dipping (for articles too deep or too long to fit into the kettle), it is possible for the galvanizer to process articles that exceed the dimensions of the kettle. Art Galvanizing specializes in the smaller hardware, parts and fabrications which are usually difficult and often not economically galvanized in a large kettle.

      If you have questions about a product’s galvanizability,
contact Art Galvanizing or the AGA.


      According to numerous national and international studies, hot dip gal­vanizing produces no significant changes in the mechanical properties of the structur­al steels or welds commonly used throughout the world. The galvanized article’s underlying steel is chemically and metallurgical equivalent to the uncoated steel.


    Galvanizing requires that cleaning solutions and molten zinc flow into, over, through, and out of fabricated articles. Designs that promote the flow of zinc are optimal.

    Filling and vent holes must be provided to prevent pickling or other cleaning bath fluids from becoming trapped in an article. It is best to avoid narrow gaps between plates, overlapping surfaces, and back-to-back angles and channels. When overlapping or contacting surfaces cannot be avoided, all edges should be complete­ly sealed by welding but provided with a small hole or a short gap in the welding to relieve pressure build-up in overlapping areas that exceed 16 square inches. See AGA’s publication: “The Design of Products to be Hot Dip Galvanized" for more information on this topic. Information is also available on a CD "Designing with Hot Dip Galvanized Steel". Each of these publications is available from Art Galvanizing or the AGA. In addition to covering the essential considerations for proper design and providing specific technical specifications and details, illustrations demonstrate both proper and improper design practices. These practices are also described in ASTM A 143, A 384, and A 385.

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3935 Valley Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44109
Phone: (216) 749-0020
Fax: (216) 749-0030

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